High Performance and Sustainability

High Performance and Sustainability

High Performance and Sustainability

Our lines are focused on high performance and sustainability

With a commitment to Caring For Life and the focus on breeding selection criteria over the past ten years, Choice has developed lines that are focused on both high performance and overall sustainability through long life and ease of management.

Aligned with our Caring for Life motto, we can attest that sustainability is defined as economically and socially responsible; a holistic and balanced approach to the genetic program that has led to the CG36 as the leading parent sow globally. 

Industry benchmarks and data available widely show the high economic losses and productivity losses from the early and unintended removal of females from the herd, a 4% increase in this are equating to 1 pig per sow per year less in some cases, or $1000 lost per individual sow.

The #CG36 and the balanced genetic program behind her allows producers to manage their herds efficiently and with high productivity with animal removal based on age or voluntary criteria, not unintended consequences. Our customers success is built through Groupe Grimaud’s Caring For Life vision for the genetic program.


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For any information request, please contact us: info@choice-genetics.com

Choice USA Reaches Genetic Milestone

Choice USA Reaches Genetic Milestone

Choice USA Reaches Genetic Milestone

Choice USA Reaches Genetic Milestone

The Choice parent sow, the CG36, is proving its value in commercial herds in many different countries today. The basis of this success is the genetic program used to improve the M3 Large White and M6 Landrace lines that are used in the creation of the CG36. Both lines are selected using their own unique index, designed to enhance the maternal performance of the parent sow in customer herds.

The progress is enhanced by the use of genomics as a component of our breeding program.

Since this technology allows a direct evaluation of the individual’s DNA, it allows the geneticists at Choice to make a more accurate estimate of each animal’s breeding value. This increase in accuracy results in even greater genetic improvement of the purebred lines every generation, which in turn is seen in increased performance of the parent stock females. This genomic advantage is especially important for traits that are lowly heritable or only expressed later in life, which includes those reproductive and maternal traits which make the CG36 an international favorite.

This technology is used in our nucleus herds worldwide. Relatively to the USA, each month, these samples are sent to a lab in France for analysis. Because of the close genetic ties between the French and US herds, the analysis includes data from the global Choice M6 Landrace population, which again increases the accuracy of the evaluation. The M6 Landrace boars currently being taken off test in the US are thus genotyped and this information is included in their genetic evaluations. This way, we can provide  better genetics to our clients worldwide.

Improvement of genetic progress by 20% per year

Genomics is important for the improvement of all traits, but especially those that are lowly heritable and difficult to measure. Number Born Alive (NBA) is that type of trait. This technology enables Choice to improve by 20% the genetic progress done per year on this trait. And the further good news is that it gives additional selection space: the other traits can keep evolving at the same pace as before, or even faster!

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For any information request, please contact us: info.fr@choice-genetics.com

en route to china

en route to china

en route to china

En route to China

Choice proudly announces a succesful charter of pig breeding stock shipped to China from France:

After several exports in the past years from USA, another route is open to serve the Chinese market with Choice France.

Thanks to our excellent genetics and high health status, a major group in the Chinese food industry has partnered with Choice. The charter left Paris Vatry Airport Thursday, 26 th of November. Teamwork and collaboration led Choice to success of this shipment, in a Covid context that requies adapting!

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For any information request, please contact us: info.@choice-genetics.com

Choice bolsters sales team

Choice bolsters sales team

Choice bolsters sales team

Choice US is pleased to welcome Scott Bailey as Key Account Manager.

With this new arrival within the team, Choice US is ready to go further in the development of its commercial presence in Large Accounts in the US market.

Over 20 years of background in the swine industry and related support agribusiness, Scott has a strong industry skill set and knowledge base to bring to this role.

He has a passion for the swine industry and for seeing customers succeed, hearing both the voice of the customer and industry needs and helping provide solutions to create a “win-win” scenario – equally comfortable in working to increase existing relationships as in creating new relationships and opportunities. During his career, Scott has had an active involvement in Pennsylvania Pork Producers Council, National Pork Producers Council (Environmental Committee), Pennsylvania Strategic Investment Partners, as well as PennAg Industries.

Scott Bailey said: “I am  tremendously excited by this opportunity and look forward to working with the cross functional expertise of Choice and Groupe Grimaud and the teams necessary to provide a world class customer experience to new and existing relationships in the pork industry.”

Jeff Jorgenson, General Manager Choice US says: “We are excited and proud to welcome Scott to the team. His career orientation includes account management and the ensuing sales results. During his former experiences, he demonstrated the importance of customer success which is of utmost importance of us”.

 Thomas de Bretagne, CEO Choice declared: “We are happy to welcome Scott on board. His background is well aligned with our strategic business development plan. He brings us his expertise working in the swine industry from barn level to packing plant.”


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For any information request, please contact us: info@choice-genetics.com

Verrat Excelium: State of play

Verrat Excelium: State of play

Verrat Excelium: State of play

The growing success of the EXCELIUM boar.

Faced with the growing commercial success of the EXCELIUM boar, an overview of the performance was interesting.
Samantha Guinio is a 2nd year student at BTS Animal Productions at Kernilien High School in Guimgamp (22). She has done extensive work on the state of play of the technical and economic performance of breeders who use the EXCELIUM boar. It is supervised by Fabien Restoueix for the conduct of surveys and analysis of data collected from user breeders.

The first conclusion of the study is that TMP’s performance is greater or equal to that of a Piedtrain nn.

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Pour toute demande d’information, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter : info.fr@choice-genetics.com